Tom Islam

Tom Islam


Post: My fight within myself.

Tom | March 24, 2021, 3:39 p.m. (Pacific Time)

We all go through some tough times. While I can't vouch what method will help you through your coping mechanism, I can definitely suggest something that helps me time to time. For me, I can relate easily from someone's personal experience which doesn't necessarily involve any miracle or spiritual involvement. Anger, fear, depression, these are all part of life, like many other good things. We can't eliminate those but we can definitely control them and not let them control us. Hearing about someone's bad experience is one thing but it helps the most to learn how s/he was able to overcome it and won the battle. Sometimes we gotta deflect the negativity by building a shield. Don't worry, it's just temporary. Every bad thing has an expiration time, but so does every good thing. No matter how your curve of happiness looks like, embracing it and handling it like a champ is what makes you a super hero, and we all can be one. 

Personal Information

  • NameTom Islam
  • ResidenceSeattle, Washington, USA
  • Phone(+1) 409 220 8455